Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tag Quran - Android Help

In the Name of Almighty, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Support us by donating through pay pal


Tag Quran is an app useful to read and research the Holy Quran with multiple language translation (Bengali, English, Hindi, Indonesian, Malay, Tamil and Urudu). For example whenever you read a verse about Musa then you tag that verse with "Musa". This will help to know how many verses related to Musa and how it related to each chapter in Quran. This will give information about how perfectly almighty protected the Quran from corruption.

It is not necessary that you have to tag a verse only in English, you can tag a verse with your favorite language.

Similarly you can tag for messengers, d'ua, warning, dhawa, science, rain, resurrection etc. Apart from tagging a verse you can add unlimited Note and Bookmark.

Another unique feature of TagQuran app is you can change verse translation while you reading a verse. This feature helps to understand the similarity and difference between translation.

Inshallah this app will help to increase your knowledge.

Feel free to post your comment in facebook or email me to rasheedonnet at

Quran Text

Quran content of this app is from licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

Please visit Tanzil web site for precise information about the authenticity of the content.

Translation Disclaimer

This app use translation content from

No translation of Quran can be a hundred percent accurate, nor it can be used as a replacement of the Quran text. Listed in this app are mostly acceptable quran translations, but we cannot guarantee their authenticity and/or accuracy. Please use them at your own discretion.

If you need more translation option please post it in  facebook or email to rasheedonnet at Inshallah i can add it.


Swipe left side of the screen to right to see the main menu.


Table of Content
Shows list of chapters. From action bar it will show Parts, Groups, Stations, Sections, page and Sajda
My Tags
Shows List of tag

My Notes
Shows all user notes

My Bookmarks
List of all Bookmark(s)
Settings to change the preference and import/export your annotations.
Information about the app and the content used in this app.
This will open help document in Browser
Launches facebook page

Table of Content

When the application launched the first page lists all the chapters in quran with Sura number, Name of sura, Number of verses in sura and place it revealed to Muhammed (PBUH). There are 7 options to present the table of content in different view.

Chapters view

This tab view lists all chapters, number of verses in a chapter and the place where it revealed. On tap of any row will show the corresponding chapter (refer chapter section)


Parts View

Quran is divided to 30 parts. This tab lists all chapter and starting verse number in the chapter. Some of the part may start between the chapter in this case tap on a part will navigate to the chapter and scroll to corresponding verse.


Groups View

The chapters also grouped as Hizb. This tab lists hizb and starting of the verse number chapter wise. On row tap it navigates to the chapter and scroll to corresponding verse.


Stations View

This tab lists all stations/Manzils of quran. When a user tap on row it will navigate to the chapter and scroll to corresponding verse.


Sections View

This tab lists number of rukus, chapter and corresponding verse. When a user tap on row it will navigate to the chapter and scroll to corresponding verse.

Pages View

This tab lists chapters in page wise view. When a user tap on row it will navigate to the chapter and scroll to corresponding verse.



This tab lists all chapters and corresponding verse where the sujud verse. Tap on row will navigates to the chapter and scroll to corresponding verse.


On navigation default view will be like below. If the user lands to this view along with verse number then the page will scroll to the verse. Each verse is given in Arabic with appropriate translation based on the setting. There are annotation icons attached to each verse which helps to Tag, Note, Bookmark and dynamic translation of a verse.  

Add tag

Many times we like to tag a verse rather than adding notes. Because tagging helps to group the verses under multiple category and it helps to understand the scenario in better way than notes.

To add a tag to a verse click on . When you click on this icon you will get a small window to add tag. The tag icon turns gray to green when the tag(s) associated to verse.

Enter the tag name which you want to tag the verse and hit enter key or click on "+" image next to the text box. To add multiple tag for a verse repeat the above step.

  • No space allowed in tag, instead of space use "-" or "_" .
  • Tag word should be minimum of three char length.


Add Note

Every verse can be attached to a note. Note is more detail than tagging. Add your own note or refer hadith for reference.

To add note to verse click on note.png icon. When you click on this icon they will get a popup window to add note. The note icon turns gray to green when a note associated to a verse. After entering the note click on pencil icon to save note.


Edit Note

If a verse has note than the note icon will be in green color. Click on it will popup a window with saved note text. Modify the note and click on green pencil icon to save the changes.

Add or Remove bookmark

Bookmark can be done for any verse. Click on bookmark.png to bookmark a verse You can bookmark a last read verse to continue from there next time or you can bookmark your favorite verses.

To remove bookmark either click on the green bookmark icon or click on "My Bookmarks" from toolbar and remove desired bookmark.

Translate verse

Another unique feature of Tag Quran is each verse can be translated to different translation. This helps the reader to understand the difference between translations.

Click on verse translation icon tran.png which will list all available translations. On select the verse will translate.


My Tag

“My Tag” shows all the tags like tag cloud style. To navigate to this view user has to click on “My Tag” item in navigation drawer. Tags view also provide option to filter chapter level tags.


List verse related to Tag

On tag item click a popup appear and it list all the verses which are tagged. Each verse also shows also tagged tags. On click on those tag the same popup window will populate verses which are related to selected tag.

To remove a verse from the tag click on erase icon.



Click on “My Notes” in navigation drawer to see all available notes. To remove a note from the verse click on erase icon.

Default view


Edit Note

Click on Edit button to edit the note content. After editing the note click on Update to save the changes. On cancel click the changes will be discarded.


My Bookmarks

Click on “My Bookmarks” in navigation drawer to see all available notes. To remove a bookmark from the verse click on erase icon.



From preference section user can choose default Arabic script, Translation script and font size for both arabic and translation script.

From Import/Export section user can able to import tags, notes and bookmarks from external source (As JSON format) similarly they can export their content and share or store it. For example if you are using Chrome Tag Quran App then using this option you can move your data from Chrome app to mobile app.


My Tags sample JSON
{ "tags": [ { "tag": "Believer", "chapter": "2", "verse": "6" }, { "tag": "hypocrites", "chapter": "2", "verse": "8" }, { "tag": "hypocrites", "chapter": "2", "verse": "9" } ] }

My Notes sample JSON
{ "notes": [ { "note": "test note", "chapter": "2", "verse": "1" } ] }

My Bookmarks sample JSON
{ "bookmarks": [ { "chapter": "20", "verse": "73" }, { "chapter": "20", "verse": "82" }, { "chapter": "20", "verse": "91" } ] }


Click on “About” menu option from drawer to show the details about the app.



Click on help option will open help page in browser.


Click on Facebook menu option will open face  page in browser.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tag Quran - Help

In the Name of Almighty, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Download Android App

Support us by donating through pay pal


Tag Quran is an offline app useful to read and research the Holy Quran with multiple language translation (Bengali, English, Hindi, Indonesian, Malay, Tamil and Urudu). For example whenever you read a verse about Musa then you tag that verse with "Musa". This will help to know how many verses related to Musa and how it related to each chapter in Quran. This will give information about how perfectly almighty protected the Quran from corruption.

It is not necessary that you have to tag a verse only in English, you can tag a verse with your favorite language.

Similarly you can tag for messengers, d'ua, warning, dhawa, science, rain, resurrection etc. Apart from tagging a verse you can add unlimited Note and Bookmark.

Another unique feature of TagQuran app is you can change verse translation while you reading a verse. This feature helps to understand the similarity and difference between translation.

This application is free. Inshallah this app will help to increase your knowledge.

Feel free to post your comment in facebook or email me to rasheedonnet at

Quran Text

Quran content of this app is from licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

Please visit Tanzil web site for precise information about the authenticity of the content.

Translation Disclaimer

This app use translation content from

No translation of Quran can be a hundred percent accurate, nor it can be used as a replacement of the Quran text. Listed in this app are mostly acceptable quran translations, but we cannot guarantee their authenticity and/or accuracy. Please use them at your own discretion.

If you need more translation option please post it in  facebook or email to rasheedonnet at Inshallah i can add it.

How to use Tag Quran?

1. Navigation Toolbar

 Shows list of chapters
 List of your tag(s)
List of your Note(s)
List of your Bookmark(s)
Settings to change the preference and import/export your annotations.
Information about the app and the content used in this app.

2. Chapter list

After installing the App in Chrome click on the TagQuran icon to open the app. When the application open the first page list all the chapters in quran with Sura number, Name of sura, Number of verses in sura and place it revealed to Muhammed (PBUH).

3. Chapter Content

Click on chapter name to navigate to chapter content page.

Each verse is given in Arabic with appropriate translation based on the setting. There are small annotation icons attached to each verse which helps to Tag, Note, Bookmark and dynamic translation of verse.

4. Tagging

Many times we like to tag a verse rather than adding notes. Because tagging helps to group the verses under single category and it helps to understand the scenario in better way than notes.

4.1 Add Tag

To add a tag to a verse click on . When you click on this icon you will get a small window to add tag. The tag icon turns gray to green when the tag(s) associated to verse.

Enter the tag name which you want to tag the verse and hit enter key or click on "+" image next to the text box. To add multiple tag for a verse repeat the above step.

  • No space allowed in tag, instead of space use "-" or "_" .
  • Tag word should be minimum of three char length.

4.2 Edit Tag

To edit a tag either click on tag name in verse or click on "My Tag" (from toolbar). Click on edit link next to the tag to change the tag.

After editing the tag click on update to save the changes or cancel to discard the changes.


4.3 Delete Tag

To delete a tag first you have to delete all the verses under the tag. Click on red icon in right side to remove verse from tag.

4.4 Filter Tag

Use the sura dropdown to filter tags specific to the chapter.

5. Dynamic Verse Translation

Click on "T" icon next to the verse to get the translation list.

Select desired language to translate the particular verse. When the verse translated to the the selected language then the icon will turns from gray to green.

6. Note

Every verse can be attached to a note. Note is more detail than tagging. Add your own note or refer hadith for reference.

6.1 Add Note

To add note to verse click on  icon. When you click on this icon you will get a small window to add note. The note icon turns gray to green when the note associated to verse.

6.2 Edit Note

To edit a note click on My Notes (from toolbar).

Scroll to your note and click on edit button.

After editing the note content click on "Update" button to save the changes or click on "Cancel" to discard the changes.

6.3 Delete Note

To delete a note click red icon on right side of the verse.

7. Bookmark

Bookmark can be done for any verse. Click on to bookmark a verse You can bookmark a last read verse to continue from there next time or you can bookmark your favorite verses.

To remove bookmark either click on the green bookmark icon or click on "My Bookmarks" from toolbar and remove desired bookmark.

8. Settings

Settings used to personalize Tag Quran app.

8.1 Preference

From preference choose the Arabic text and desired translation. Set the desired font size using "-" or "+" button. After selecting it click on save button to keep the changes.

8.2 Import/Export Data

Use this option to export / import Tags, Notes and bookmarks. Click on "Export" button to get the content. You can share this content to your group or keep it safe to import later or when you  re-install app. 

To import content select "Import" option and copy the content in text area. Click on "Import" button to save the data.  Please use more caution when you use import option. If you are not doing it properly then it will damage the data and you will loose all your work.

8.3 Import others Tags

This option helps to import someone else's tags. After importing others tag this can be viewed in Tag's page.

1. Import others tag

2. View Imported Tags

3. If you like others tag then you can add that tag in your "My Tags"